Harding hosts Meet the Firms event

meet_the_firms September 25, 2015 | Business

The Paul R. Carter College of Business held the ninth annual Meet the Firms event on Sept. 3, 2015. The event is designed to introduce different companies to business students while showcasing business students’ resumes for the firms to review.

The event had 23 firms in attendance with a total of 71 people from the various firms present 60 of whom were Harding alumni.

“Meet the Firms is a great way to meet people recently graduated from Harding and working in the accounting profession,” said Senior Accounting Society President Jordan Jones. “Employees from the firms talk about how they got started at the firm, and where they are now. It helps you see what type of firm you believe you would fit in at.

This event provides an avenue for students to get internships, apply for jobs, and make connections with various firms. The event is helpful for the students in the business department, but is also for those looking to hire Harding graduates.

Melanie Corrigan, senior Human Resources Generalist at CBIZ MHM, LLC said after the visit that Harding does “a great job at getting the students ready to meet employers,” and that students were “polite, polished and had great resumes.”

Approximately 10 of the companies that attended the Meet the Firms event are returning in October to interview potential employees for their companies.

“We have companies from Texas, Tennessee, Arkansas and Florida — hiring for positions all over the country,” said Brian Harrington, director of the Center for Professional Excellence . “These firms are competing to hire Harding students.”

Topics: Business Administration Center for Professional Excellence

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