College of Pharmacy students win Generation Rx award

Pharmacy students and teacher standing with award

March 10, 2016 | Pharmacy |

The College of Pharmacy chapter of the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Student Pharmacists won the Generation Rx regional award at the APhA annual meeting and exposition in Baltimore on March 4.

Generation Rx is an educational program developed to increase public awareness and action to prevent prescription drug abuse. The program was developed and funded in collaboration with The Ohio State University College of Pharmacy, the Cardinal Health Foundation, and the APhA Foundation. More than 80 colleges of pharmacy nationwide have an APhA-ASP chapter using Generation Rx resources to educate community members.

The HUCOP APhA-ASP chapter contacted state department officials of education and health in order to reach more than 8,000 Arkansas K-12 students, teachers and school administrators. Approximately 25 percent of the HUCOP student body became involved with these educational efforts.

“Our mission states that our graduates will accept responsibility for improving the spiritual and physical wellness of the world,” said Dr. Julie Hixson-Wallace, dean of the HUCOP. “This award shows that our students are living that mission by getting involved in the community on a large scale to prevent the tragic consequences that can result from misuse of any kind of medications. These students weren't satisfied with just going to a few schools in Searcy but reached out much further and dreamed much bigger.”

Generation Rx annually recognizes a national award winning chapter, two runners-up and eight regional award-winning chapters. The HUCOP chapter was selected out of participants from Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana.

Topics: Pharmacy

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