Spring Semester Status Update

March 19, 2020 | COVID-19 Updates |

It is with great sadness we announce today that on-campus instruction will not resume this semester. Online course delivery will continue as the sole method of instruction for graduate and undergraduate programs for all Harding University locations. As such, all university-sponsored campus activities will be cancelled through the end of the spring semester. We appreciate your prayers and support as we have worked through this dynamic situation we hoped would improve more quickly. Below are some important instructions and next steps regarding the areas of greatest concern for the next several weeks:

  • We will continue our at-a-distance delivery of classes through the end of the semester. We will not resume on-campus instruction until further notice. Please continue to refer to the Pipeline page Student Online Transition - Spring 2020 for ongoing information and updates. More information regarding retrieving belongings is covered in item #5 below.
  • Spring Sing will resume in 2021. “Once Upon a Time” will be the theme. We look forward to resuming this cherished tradition in April of next year. All tickets will be refunded and a separate communication will be sent to those who have purchased tickets.
  • May 2020 commencement will be rescheduled for August 2020. We believe it is vital for our graduating students to be able to walk across the Benson stage, and we will celebrate together in August. While the ceremony will take place in August, students who complete graduation requirements by the end of the spring semester will have their degree conferred on schedule in May. Students who may be delayed in completing their graduation requirements will have their degrees conferred in August or upon completion. If you have questions about graduation, please email graduation@harding.edu.
  • Intersession and summer school will begin as scheduled. Students should continue to register for the classes they need. More information will be forthcoming regarding the specifics of course delivery. If you have questions regarding summer courses or availability, please email summer-school@harding.edu.
  • Retrieving belongings from housing. Students will be notified via email on March 23 with a Google form link detailing the check out process for your specific residence hall. Once you have received that email, please contact studentlife@harding.edu or 501-279-4331 with any questions or concerns. Any students requesting to move out of a Harding rental apartment please contact jford8@harding.edu or 501-279-4339.
  • Library resources. You can find the most up-to-date information regarding the Brackett Library at library.harding.edu .
  • Textbooks. Harding Bookstore “buy back” is not available this semester. All rented textbooks for the spring semester must be returned to the Harding Bookstore by May 15. All students who have rented a book will receive an email from the Harding Bookstore with instructions. If you have questions, please email hutextbooks@harding.edu.
  • Refunds/credits . Notifications regarding refunds and credits will be sent at a later date.
  • Campus housing for those who must remain on campus. Residence halls are now restricted to students who have no option other than living on campus through the end of the semester and have made arrangements with student life. This includes those whose homes are outside of the U.S.; those whose internships or practicums require them to remain; those whose home communities are quarantined; those for whom returning home represents a health/safety threat. Food service is available.
  • Daily devotional. During this time of separation, we want to remain connected as a community. Next Monday we will begin posting a chapel-like daily devotional on all social channels at 10 a.m. each weekday and encourage you to join us.

These decisions and measures are so difficult for all of us, but this is a temporary situation. We will resume normal life and will be back together as soon as is feasible. Our prayers are with all of the Harding community and with our entire world as we pray for protection, healing and strength through this difficult time.

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