Phallen Reed

Black History Month Student Feature Q&A

Phallen Reed is a senior theatre major from Cedar Hill, Texas, who is also this semester’s Black Student Association president.

Why did you choose to attend Harding?

The experiences I had while visiting campus and my relationship with certain Harding alumni

Who are your African American heroes and what traits do they have in common?

Maya Angelou — she had so much confidence and was a woman of many talents and jobs!

As we celebrate Black History Month, what are steps we can all take to further cultivate change and progress toward equality?

Take the time to ask sincere questions and listen to the answers.

How would you like to see the efforts and attention of Black History Month carried throughout the year?

I would like to see more participation and support of the BSA throughout the year, not just this month.

What traits that Jesus embodied do you think are crucial to achieving the goal of equality? Why ?

Jesus openly embodied empathy during his ministry. He also understood the cultures he encountered. He used the different relationships the people of his time had with each other to show them how to follow him. I believe that the road to equality takes Christ-like empathy and an understanding of others' cultures in order to best represent Christ to them.

Learn more about the Black Student Association

The Black Student Association is an organization established to provide community and empowerment for Black students. The mission of the BSA is to promote leadership, cultural awareness, understanding and appreciation of Black cultures within the Harding community. Meetings are held to discuss current events happening within the Black community on and off campus as a way to share Black culture with those who are not personally familiar. You do not have to be Black to be involved. The BSA is an inclusive organization.

The BSA hosts devotionals each Tuesday at 7 p.m. at West Pleasure Church of Christ and meetings hosted every other week in McInteer 145. For more updates and information, follow the BSA on Facebook ( @BSAHardingUniversity ) and Instagram ( @hardingbsa ).

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