Harding Academy

Academy to perform ‘Radium Girls’

March 28, 2019

March 28, 2019 — The Harding Academy Wildcat Theatre Co.

Harding Academy performs ‘Newsies’

November 28, 2018

Set in New York City at the turn of the century, Newsies is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly (Asher Patten), a charismatic newsboy and leader of a...

Academy hosts eighth annual Micah Rine Wildcat Legacy Race

October 10, 2018

“We have had good turnouts for the race, and it is always a highlight to see Micah’s classmates come back and run in her honor,”...

Quiz Bowl team wins Junior National Academic Championship

June 15, 2018

“It's been an honor to work with this group,” said Ganus.