A day in the life of a Harding student — Fall 2024 edition

by Adele Duncan, student writer

7:45 a.m.

.The smell of freshly cut grass breaks through the air as I make my way toward the McInteer Bible and World Missions Center. I usually take the long way to class because the front lawn looks so beautiful this time of year with the crunchy fall leaves of red, orange, yellow and browns. My friend Bradley on the grounds crew waves to me as he blows some leaves into a big pile. I check my watch, and it looks like I will make it to class right on time. 

9 a.m.

.I try not to spill my coffee as I slide past my friends into my chapel seat. I should have gotten an aisle seat this semester, but I am glad to sit in section 300 with my friends where I can see the speaker better. Today is a singing chapel, which is my favorite. As we sing old and new hymns I close my eyes and just listen to the thousands of voices around me. Around 9:25 a.m. we are dismissed, and many of my peers run to the student center to get a Chick-fil-a chicken biscuit. However, my close friends and I stay in our seats and catch up on each other's lives. Today, my friend Samantha had a counseling appointment right after chapel, so she had to leave early, but I’m grateful she has access to free counseling whenever she needs it. 

11:45 a.m.

.My communication class got out five minutes early, which is perfect because I needed to take a quick quiz on Canvas. I immediately head toward my favorite study nook in the new Holland-Waller Center. Once I find my favorite chair, I throw my backpack down and sink into the comfortable seat. I love that there are giant windows where I can see people walking across the front lawn. It is hard not to be a people watcher up here. After I submit my quiz, I take the elevator downstairs and make my way to the cafeteria for lunch with my friends. 

2 p.m.

.After class I head over to the Mabee Business Building. I am starting to look for post-graduation jobs and need to see if someone in the Center for Professional Excellence can look over my resume. The administrative assistant is friendly as she directs me toward academic advisors. I scheduled a mock interview as well since I was already there. I do not know what I would have done without their help throughout the years — whether it was getting my professional headshot or borrowing a blazer from their career closet

3:30 p.m.


 I have a few minutes to burn before I go up to get some tutoring help in the Academic Resource Center. Just in the last semester, I can already see an improvement in my grades from the support I have been given. I decide to go to a library study room, but as I am walking that direction, I see my friends taking a brain break and working on a puzzle. We all chat about how excited we are for the Christmas lighting ceremony in a little over a month. Christmas time at Harding is so magical, and they have just started putting lights up in preparation for the season.




4:30 p.m.

.Now that classes are done for the day, I change clothes and head over to the Ganus Activities Center. I always love working out upstairs, and I have never had trouble finding open equipment. Today, however, I am going to use the new girls workout room because I’m learning to lift weights and love how strong I feel. When I go to grab my weights, I see my friend Julia from Zeta Rho. She and I are both on the same intramural team, and we have a game tonight against Delta Gamma Rho. 






7 p.m.

.After dinner at Chick-fil-a in the student center, Julia and I call public safety and have them drive us to the intramural fields for our big game. The stands are packed, and there are at least four other teams playing on the other fields. Even though the sun went down, the stadium lights shine as bright as our club pride! No matter what happens in this game, I know I will rest easy tonight because of my fun and busy day at Harding.



All highlighted student resources and services are provided by generous investors who contribute to the Harding Fund each year. This fund is essential for the University’s day-to-day operations and long-term success. It provides flexible funding to address immediate needs, support faculty development, enhance student programs and innovate for the future. Unlike designated gifts, contributions to this fund allow resources to be allocated where they’re most needed, covering gaps in tuition revenue and responding to unexpected challenges. Please join thousands of generous investors and make a contribution on Giving Day — Feb. 20, 2025. Thank you for making a high-quality Christian education possible for current and future Bisons.


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